Film & Music Law Services
Every film & music production knows the importance of legal compliance!
Email our firm at info@zalalaw.com or call us at (404) 313-1701 for help.

Copyright Clearance Services
Uncleared Works Can Stop a Production In Its Tracks!
Clearing a copyrighted work or music sample is as important as any other facet of your production. Failing to properly clear even a brief sample can give a 3rd-party copyright owner the total right to stop or takedown your fully produced work. In the case of film, this can include script clearances and post-production assessments to avoid less transparent clearance issues,

Artist, Producer, & Talent Agreement Services
Contracts Make the Entertainment World Go 'Round!
Handling contracts is a critical part of any industry and the film & music industries are no exception! Recording artist, record label, and producer agreements are rife with arcane language and old industry practices. Meanwhile, in film spaces, every cast & crew member has their own contract concerns and you're also responsible for acquiring proper releases when necessary. Your proper credit and compensation is tied directly to the effectiveness of your contract. We specialize in the contract review, drafting, and enforcement. We can help keep your contracts in order!

Production, Licensing, & Distribution Deal Services
Longterm Film & Music Success Is (With)In Your Reach!
The ultimate success of many production releases can be directly related to the securement of various licensing and distribution deals that will guarantee the fullest extent of your project's reach and exposure. We can help with your production legal from inception to completion! We'll help you in securing the best licensing and distribution deals available and handle any issues along the way, which always seems to rear their head at the most inopportune times.

Publishing & Royalty Collections Services
Collecting Due Royalties Can Be An Ordeal!

Live Performance Contract Services
You were born for the stage & we know that!
Practicing Law in the Following Areas
Intellectual Property Law
Business & Contract Law
Entertainment Law
Insurance & Property Law
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